Greeneum Bounty Program

GREEN Bounty Rewards Are Coming!

WhatsApp Image 2021-04-11 at 23.16.10.jpeg

Greeneum's GREEN bounty program round is over with more than 700 participants around the world. The bounty program GREEN token reward empowers and incentive the renewable energy and eco-friendly community and allow access to Greeneum marketplace and financial services. We would like to thank everyone who participated in the Bitcointalk Bounty Program and supported our growing eco-system:

Since the beginning of our journey, we have done four (4) campaigns with 900,000 GREEN allocated for:

  • Twitter campaign: 400,000 GREEN

  • Translation campaign: 100,000 GREEN

  • Telegram campaign: 200,000 GREEN

  • Article campaign: 150,000 GREEN

As published, the GREEN bounty reward will be distributed The distribution will start with translation participants, before continuing to Twitter campaign participants, Telegram participants, and article participants. The new GREEN bounty campaign details will be published on Bitcointalk by the second part of May 2021.

Renewable and solar energy producers and companies are invited to join Greenuem marketplace or affiliate program and take active part in the age of GREEN energy economy.
