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New Greeneum-Branded Solar Products Available on Greeneum Marketplace

Greeneum Network is steadfastly moving towards achieving our mission to increase the opportunity for green energy producers. We have added several new projects to our platform in the process, with many more to come. 

Solar energy is a source of an infinite amount of clean energy, and it is significantly less harmful than non-renewable energy options that prevail across the market. To save our world from the ongoing adverse effects of greenhouse impact, we must do our share and turn to solar energy for our household energy needs.

With residential solar electric systems, the energy needs of our homes can be fulfilled by solar energy. Now think of the change that we can bring by making a move to solar energy. In the United States alone, 40% of electricity generation can be met by rooftop solar energy. 

If every household in God's green earth does its part to reverse the damage that greenhouse gases have done, by adopting solar energy for household needs, we will be able to save our earth from environmental hazards that the use of fossil fuels has inflicted.

To play our part, we have come up with Greeneum-network branded solar products that will interest people that prefer renewable energy over non-renewable energy. There are two types of hybrid solar inverters and an MPPT Solar Charge Controller in our product line now.

Greeneum Hybrid Solar Inverter 

Solar inverters play a crucial role in the success of residential electric systems. Almost every standard home appliances use an alternate current, whereas the solar panels and batteries generate DC power or direct current. That's where the need for a solar inverter arises.

Our high-quality Greeneum-branded hybrid solar inverter will convert the direct current generated by your solar panels and batteries into an alternate current, which will power all the electric appliances and devices you have at your home. We have two types of hybrid solar inverters that you can find here and here

Greeneum MPPT Charge Controller 

Greeneum Network also brings a charge controller, often called a charge regulator as well. It keeps the system batteries stable and running by maintaining the proper charging voltage. 

It is important to note that if batteries are fed with continuous voltage, they will become overcharged. It will result in a shortened life, and this usually leads to battery failure. But with the Greeneum MPPT charge controller, you won't have to worry about the solar batteries getting overcharged.

The Greeneum MPPT charge controller will regulate the voltage flow to your battery. Thus, the solar batteries will only charge when there's a need for charging. 

What's Next?

We are excited to announce that the next product in the line is Greeneum Solar Panels, which is easily among the most recognizable parts of a residential solar electric system. They are typically placed on the roof and help convert sunlight into electricity. 

You can rest assured that the solar panels that Greeneum will introduce next in our marketplace will be among the highest quality solar panel options available today. We will keep our community informed when our next products hit our marketplace. 

Do you want to join the vibrant and growing Greeneum community? GREEN tokens are now available across many more exchanges. Head over to Coffeswap and Pancakeswap to buy GREEN tokens and become a part of the Greeneum community.

There’s one more good news for our community members. You can pay for Greeneum solar products with GREEN tokens by linking to your Probit account. There’s also a 20% discount on our products if you pay with GREEN tokens.