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Update About the Greeneum Network's Phenomenal February

With 150+ projects listed on our beta platform and listing of GREEN tokens on Pancakeswap and Coffeswap, February has been nothing less than phenomenal for Greeneum Network. 

For the benefit of our community, we have also made a move to BEP20 smart contract after conducting intensive development and a successful audit process. The reason behind moving to PoST on Binance Smart Network is improved interoperability and cheaper transactions, which will benefit the Greeneum network community. 

With listing on popular platforms like Pancakeswap & Coffeeshop and new projects listed on our platform, Greeneum Network is making steady progress towards its mission of making the generation of green energy rewarding for the green energy operators to create a sustainable and eco-technological future.

Greeneum Network: A Well-Concerted Effort to tackle Climate Change

Today, the threats of climate change are more severe than ever. Empirical evidence shows that despite all our global resolutions, humanity hasn’t yet made the commitments necessary to reverse the effects of society’s relentless onslaught on nature. 

How Acute is the Threat of Climate Change?

Since the late 19th century, the Earth’s average surface temperature has risen by 2.12 degrees Fahrenheit of which most of the warming happened in the past 40 years. The years 2016 and 2020 were the Planet’s warmest years on record. The oceans that store 90% of the Earth’s excess energy have absorbed much of the increased heat. Resultantly, the warming of the top 100 meters of the ocean increased by more than 0.6 degrees Fahrenheit than what was measured in 1969. Greenland alone has lost an average of 279 billion tons of ice annually between 1993 and 2019. In Antarctica, the loss has been 148 billion tons per year. As a result of climate change, the global sea-level has risen about 8-inches or 20-centimeters in the last century. 

Despite such severe warnings, we have not yet been able to bring down our carbon emissions to a moderate and manageable level. Global emissions of Carbon Dioxide resulting from the burning of fossil fuels as well as deforestation, agriculture, and other activities have increased from a volume of 1.957 billion tons of CO2 in 1900 to 36.831 billion tons of CO2 in 2018. 


Experts have worked out several ways to reverse the impact of Carbon emissions. However, the easiest is the one that we always knew about, but did not care enough to practice. It’s planting trees. According to the results obtained from robust scientific studies, Earth’s ecosystems are capable of supporting another 900 million hectares or 2.2 billion acres of forests. It’s 25 percent more forested area than what we have on our planet at present. By planting more than half a trillion trees, scientists estimate, we could capture 205 billion metric tons of carbon and reduce atmospheric carbon by about one-fourth. That is equal to 20 years of human-produced carbon emissions at the current rate. 


Greeneum Network was set up as a decentralized platform aimed at supporting the stakeholders who work together to build a sustainable, eco-technological future. The network leverages high-end disruptive technologies to create a credible, extensive, and certified energy data platform for all stakeholders of the renewable energy market to access. GREEN, the native token of the Greeneum Network, has more purposes than any other cryptocurrency in the market. It is a decentralized way of incentivizing Green energy producers and all those proponents of an eco-friendly future who have been taking corrective measures to reverse the course of climate change. 

The Green tokens are mineable. And, at an overall level, the producers of green energy are to receive incentives from the Green Fund worth 250 million Green Tokens. In a recent update, the network has decided on a unique token incentive plan for tree planting activities, whereby planting a tree would make you eligible for 1,000 GREEN tokens as rewards. Overall, 15% of the tokens have been allotted for social impact initiatives. The utility of GREEN tokens is not limited to its native network. While you can use these tokens as the medium of exchange in the network,  you can trade the tokens for other cryptocurrencies through popular online exchanges.

Combining value and utility, the GREEN ERC20 network token emerges as a flagship project attaching tangible value to green-initiatives and their proponents. Hopefully, the impact of the network and its projects will expand across more geographies and industry-verticals in the days to come. 

If you would like to join our efforts in stopping climate change by planting trees around the world AND receive our GREEN Tokens- click on the link below and plant trees with TREE TRIBE, a tree-planting project affiliated with Greeneum.

Once you have planted the trees through TREE TRIBE, E-mail us to  your tree planting certificate and your wallet address, and we will reward you with Greeneum carbon certificates and our GREEN tokens.

It is also important to note that Wallets such as Ledger or Trezor are considered to be more secure but for daily and limited transactions you could use Metamask for Chrome browsers or Edge wallets for both IOS or Android mobile phones.

Affiliates program

All Greeneum affiliates are being incentivized for listing and validating renewable energy projects on our network. As an affiliate, you can influence and take a greater part in the green revolution. You can vote on network issues and be the first to be informed about our network development and updates. Our affiliate program is based on projects of clean energy that you can upload to the site and get green certificates- you can get credits for up to 7 years retroactively! 

We have many NEW JOINERS from all around the globe that share our values and beliefs - together we can make our world a greener and better place to live! Join our affiliate program today

Greeneum Network Projects

With 150 projects in our beta platform, we are steadily increasing the user base for Greeneum Network. We are adding an increasing number of new projects from emerging markets like India, where the energy demand is growing at a very rapid pace. Research suggests that the energy demand will rise by 50% in India between 2019 to 2030. Such a huge energy demand will be fulfilled by green energy and that's where Greeneum Network will make its impact felt as we have a very important role to play in the global green energy market. Greeneum Network will make it rewarding for the green energy producers to keep on producing more clean energy.